13 FREE Birdhouse Plans (Easy PDF/Video Instructions!)

Before searching the internet for birdhouse plans, you should start by answering the following question:

What species of birds do you want to nest in your backyard?

Here’s why: There are THOUSANDS of different free birdhouse plans available online, from small houses for chickadees to platform nests for robins to large nest boxes for owls. The size, style, and location of your birdhouse will determine which types of birds will be attracted to nest inside.

Today I have provided a list of 13 free birdhouse plans!

I have organized my list below by the type of bird you are hoping to attract. Most of the house plans include a PDF you can download or a video.

Table of Contents: Free Birdhouse Plans

Bluebird / Swallow House Plans (6 Free PDF’s)

Robin / Cardinal / Dove Nesting Shelf Plans (2 Free PDF’s)

Wren / Chickadee Birdhouse Plans (2 Free PDF’s)

Purple Martin House & Gourd Rack Plans (3 Free PDF’s)

Before we begin, I want to provide a warning:

If you are looking for “cute” or “artsy” birdhouses, this article is NOT for you.

Each of the birdhouse plans listed below is designed to ACTUALLY attract birds to your backyard. The dimensions, engineering, and size of the entrance hole were created with each specific bird species in mind.

Lastly, I want to share with you a LIVE look at my backyard bird feeding station. During the day you can expect to see a wide variety of birds common to the Eastern United States. If you’re lucky, you may even observe a juvenile bird coming to the feeders for the first time!

Live Bird Feeder Camera:

YouTube video

Bluebird House Plans:

Building appropriately sized birdhouses is a great way to help conserve native bluebirds. No matter the species (Eastern, Western, & Mountain), bluebirds ONLY build nests inside pre-made cavities, which means they can’t create a cavity themselves and rely on using holes that woodpeckers have drilled in seasons past.

free nest box plans

Bluebird numbers had been declining for decades due to competition for limited nesting sites (House Sparrows!) and humanity’s preference to remove old and rotting trees that typically have perfect nesting cavities hollowed out.

Luckily, bluebird numbers have been steadily increasing thanks to the heroic efforts of local birders dedicated to building and monitoring bluebird houses.

Important things to know about building bluebird nest boxes:

free birdhouse plans