12+ Example Persuasive Letters: Templates and Tips to Get Results

Master the art of persuasion with our example persuasive letters. Learn how to write for complaints, proposals, advocacy, and more. Get tips and templates!

Have you ever wanted to convince someone to see things your way? Example persuasive letters are a great way to learn the techniques that get results. Whether you want a change at school, to support a cause, or advocate for yourself, a well-crafted letter can persuade others to take action. Let’s explore what makes a persuasive letter effective and see real-world examples.

Table of Contents

What’s a Persuasive Letter?

A persuasive letter is used to convince the reader to take a specific action, think differently about an issue, or change their behavior. It combines logical arguments with evidence and can sometimes use appeals to emotion to make its case.

What are the key elements of a persuasive letter?

Key elements that make a persuasive letter truly effective:

Attention-Grabbing Opening:

This is your chance to make the reader sit up and pay attention. It could be a shocking statistic, a thought-provoking question, a relevant anecdote, or a vivid quote.

Example: “Did you know that 80% of students at our school never have the chance to take a music class?”

Clear Thesis Statement:

Sum up your main point or request in a single, strong sentence. This sets the direction for the entire letter.

Example: “I strongly believe that expanding music education opportunities at our school is vital for student success and well-being.”

Well-Developed Arguments:

This is where you convince the reader with logic and evidence. Each argument should have:

Example: “Studies show that students who participate in music programs have higher test scores.” “Our neighbor school offers five different music classes, and their students consistently outperform ours in academic subjects.” “Music education fosters creativity and problem-solving skills that are essential for success in today’s world.” *

Emotive Language:

Don’t be afraid to appeal to the reader’s emotions. Carefully chosen words and phrases can create a sense of urgency, hope, empathy, or excitement.

Example: Use words like “imagine,” “unfair,” “opportunity,” “vital”

Addressing Counterarguments:

Show that you’ve considered other viewpoints. Briefly acknowledge a potential objection and explain why your position is still stronger.

Example: “While some may argue that expanding music programs would be costly, the long-term benefits to students and our school’s reputation greatly outweigh the initial investment.”

Strong Call to Action:

Don’t just fade out! Explicitly tell the reader what you want them to do – sign a petition, attend a meeting, change a policy, etc.

*Example: “I urge you to consider my proposal and schedule a meeting with me to further discuss how we can bring the transformative power of music to all our students.”

Types of Persuasive Letters

Let’s dive into each type of persuasive letter with more detail:

1. Proposal Letters

Purpose: To outline a solution, suggest a new project, or offer improvements. You’ll target decision-makers (school boards, companies, bosses).

Key Elements:

Example: Writing to your city council proposing a community recycling program.

2. Complaint Letters

Purpose: To express dissatisfaction with a product, service, or situation, and demand action (refund, apology, policy change).

Key Elements:

Example: Writing to an online store about a defective product you received.

3. Fundraising Letters

Purpose: To persuade people to donate money to a non-profit organization or cause.

Key Elements:

Example: A charity working with homeless animals asking for donations to build a new shelter.

4. Letters of Recommendation

Purpose: To strongly advocate for a friend, classmate, or colleague, highlighting their qualifications for a job, school admission, or award.

Key Elements:

Example: A teacher writing a recommendation letter for a student applying to college.

Essential writing tips for persuasive letters

Let’s go into more detail on these essential writing tips for persuasive letters:

Keep it Short

Why it Matters: Decision-makers have limited time and attention spans. Long, rambling letters are more likely to be ignored.

How to Do It:

Exceptions: If your proposal is complex or you’re outlining technical details, clarity may sometimes be more important than extreme brevity.

Formal Style

Why it Matters: Shows respect, makes you appear serious and professional, and sets you apart from casual emails.

How to Do It:


Why it Matters: Errors undermine your credibility, especially for persuasive writing where you need to appear intelligent and well-informed.

How to Do It:

Extra Tip: Practice writing drafts! The more you write, the better you’ll become at naturally writing a concise, formal, and persuasive style.

When Should I Write a Persuasive Letter?

Life isn’t always perfect. Sometimes you need to take a stand to fix something that’s wrong, support a cause, or convince someone to think your way. That’s where persuasive letters come in!

Fixing Problems

Making Your Voice Heard

Helping Others (and Yourself!)

Companies Need to Hear From You!

Key Point: Persuasive letters are about more than complaining. Use them to make real changes and help others!

Persuasive Letter vs. Argumentative Essay: What’s the Difference?

Both persuasive letters and argumentative essays are designed to convince someone, but they do it in slightly different ways. Think of it like this:

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Persuasive Letter vs Argumentative Essay What’s the Difference






Example Time! Imagine you want your school to ban junk food sales. Here’s how it might look:

How do you structure a persuasive letter?

Here’s a breakdown of how to structure a persuasive letter,:

Structure of a Persuasive Letter


Attention-Grabbing Opening: Start with a compelling element to capture your reader’s interest. This could be:

Thesis Statement: Clearly and concisely state the purpose of your letter and your desired outcome.

Body Paragraphs

Develop Your Arguments: Each paragraph should focus on a single, strong reason supporting your position. Follow this structure:

Address Counterarguments: Show that you’ve considered opposing viewpoints. Briefly acknowledge a potential objection and explain why your position is still stronger. This adds credibility.

Emotive Language (Use Sparingly): While your primary focus is logic, carefully chosen words and phrases can appeal to the reader’s emotions and make your argument more persuasive.


What kind of language should use in a persuasive letter?

The best persuasive letters find a balance between these approaches:

Logical & Authoritative:

Emotional & Persuasive:

Respectful & Understanding:

Should I include evidence to support my claims in a persuasive letter?

YES! Evidence is the backbone of a persuasive letter. Here’s why:

What are common mistakes to avoid when writing a persuasive letter?

Here’s common mistakes and how to avoid them:

Mistake 1: Weak Arguments

Mistake 2: Too Emotional

Mistake 3: Attacking the Other Side

Mistake 4: Forgetting the “Ask”

Mistake 5: Sloppy Presentation

Extra Mistakes to Watch Out For:

Tips for Writing Powerful Persuasive Letters (With Examples)

Here’s strategies to make your persuasive letter pack a convincing punch:

Know Your Audience

Passion with Logic

The Power of Storytelling

Smart Word Choices

Anticipate & Address Objections

Bonus Tip: Read Your Letter Aloud! This helps you catch awkward phrasing or spots where the tone sounds weak or over-the-top.

Example Persuasive Letters

example persuasive letters persuasive letter to principal

example persuasive letters persuasive letter to headteacher

example persuasive letters persuasive letter to teacher

example persuasive letters fundraising letters

example persuasive letters letters of recommendation

example persuasive letters to a local politician

example persuasive letters complaint letters

example persuasive letters persuasive letter to parents

example persuasive letters persuasive letter to government

example persuasive letters persuasive letter to parents to get a dog

example persuasive letters proposal letters

example complaint persuasive letters


“Example persuasive letters show the power of words to create change. Use them to advocate for positive initiatives, support causes you believe in, and help others. With a clear goal, strong arguments, and a touch of passion, your letters can make a real difference in the world.”

“Ready to write your own persuasive letter? Download our free template here!” (if you have a template to offer).

FAQS: Persuasive Letters

What’s the difference between a persuasive letter and an opinion essay?

Both aim to convince the reader, but a persuasive letter is more focused and targeted towards a specific person to achieve a specific action. An opinion essay is broader, intended to persuade a general audience about a viewpoint.

Can I use stories or emotional appeals in a persuasive letter?

While your primary focus is logic, a compelling story or a few well-chosen words that connect with the reader’s emotions can make your letter more impactful.

How long should a persuasive letter be?

Strive for brevity! Ideally, keep it around a page. Busy decision-makers are more likely to read a shorter, clearly-focused letter.

Do I need to cite the sources of my evidence?

If you’re using specific research or statistics, briefly mentioning the source adds credibility (“According to a recent study by…”). For more general facts, citations aren’t usually necessary.

Can I get help writing my persuasive letter?

Absolutely! Teachers, parents, or tutors can help you brainstorm arguments, edit drafts, and ensure your letter has a professional tone. You can also find online templates and examples for inspiration.

Should I write a persuasive letter by hand or type it?

Typed letters are generally more professional, especially if addressing businesses or officials. Handwritten letters can be effective for very personal pleas or when targeting older audiences who might appreciate the traditional touch.

How do I find the right person to address my persuasive letter to?

Do some research! If you’re addressing a company, look for the customer service or CEO contact. For schools, find the principal or school board contact information. Websites usually have this information.

What if I don’t get a response to my persuasive letter?

Don’t be discouraged! It might be worth a polite follow-up email or phone call a week or two later, reiterating your request. If still no response, consider amplifying your voice by rallying others who support your cause

Can persuasive letters be sent as emails?

Yes, though the formatting may change slightly. Keep the email concise, have a strong subject line, and still include a formal salutation and closing.

Is there a specific persuasive letter format I have to follow?

Standard business letter format is recommended. This includes your address, date, recipient’s address, salutation, the body of your letter, and a closing. You can easily find templates online.

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